Bronchial asthma is a common Issuesof both children and adults. The word “Asthma” is of Greek derivation and it means panting or gasping. Not all difficulty in breathing is asthma. The prefix bronchial to refer to the fact that the basic problem is in the bronchi, the lower air conducts within the lungs. Bronchial asthma is characterized by recurrent attacks of difficulty in exhalation due to wide – spread reversible narrowing of airways in the lungs, which varies in severity over a short period of time either spontaneously or as a result of complementary Management. The characteristic feature of asthma is that it is only a temporary functional narrowing which is completely reversible. The most important feature in bronchial asthma is the hyper reactivity of bronchial tree. The air passages show excessive response by spasm and inflammation to all sorts of stimuli, not only to antigen or chemical like histamine but also to cold air, atmospheric irritants like dust, kitchen fumes, sprays, gases, extreme exercise etc., Hay fever and allergic rhinitis are the other names for nasal allergies. The three cardinal symptoms of this condition are sneezing, running nose and blocked or stuffy nose. This may occur seasonally as in Hay fever or personality almost all year round. You may also have itching of nose, ears, eyes, throat and post nasal discharge. At times, the inner lining (mucous membrane) of the Para nasal sinuses may get involved in this allergic inflammation leading to pain and discomfort in the forehead and cheeks. Although not a fatal condition, it could lead to much discomfort, loss of interest at work and psychological depression. Exposure to cold wind, sunlight, dust and fumes, etc., may precipitate the onset of the symptoms. Exactly like in bronchial asthma the inner lining of the nose has turned hyper – reactive.
complementary Management
Yoga therapy – 8 Steps chair breathing (30 minutes)
Purpose & Benefits:
- Maintain steady awareness of breathing
- Voluntary control over involuntary nervous system
- With this technique, patient can learn to relax Bronchospasm effectively
- Panic reduced & relax the body
Phase 1 - instant Relaxation technique (iRt) – With chair Support for 1 min
Sit on the floor with a chair placed in front.
- Rest your arms and chest on the chair.
- Keep the face relaxed with a smile all through the practice.
- Start tightening from the toes.
- Tighten the ankle joints, calf muscles, pull up the kneecaps.
- Tighten the thigh muscles, compress and squeeze the buttocks.
- Exhale and suck in the abdomen.
- Tighten your fists, tighten your arms.
- Inhale and expand your chest.
- Tighten your shoulders, neck muscles and compress the face.
- Tighten the whole body from toes to the head, Tighten, tighten, tighten.
- Release and collapse the whole body.
- Legs and arms apart with the open palms facing the ceiling and enjoy the instant relaxation.
Phase 2 - Chair Breathing With chair Support
- Remain seated on the floor with a chair placed in front; rest your arms and chest on to the chair with both leg stretches front and shoulders relaxed.
neck muscles relaxation (5 times each)a. Moving head up and down
Move head & chin up; move head down & chin to chestb. Moving head up and down with breathing
Inhale head & chin up; exhale head down & chin to chestc. Moving head up and down with A-Kara chanting
Same movement but at exhalation chant A-Kara as you bring your head down
Phase 3 - Neck Movement Without chair Support (5 times each)
Sit in Vajrasana, placing palms on the thighs.
a. Moving head up and down
b. Moving head up and down with breathing
c. Moving head up and down with U-Kara chanting
Phase 4 - Sasankasana – Rabbit Pose (5 times each)
Sit in Vajrasana and bring hands behind your back. Make a fist with right hand and use the left hand to catch fist.
a. Bend backward and forward
b. Bend backward and forward with breathing
c. Bend backward and forward with M-Kara chanting
Phase 5 - Tadasana – Mountain pose (stay in this pose for 1 minute)
Stand upright, legs slightly apart. Relax from toes to head while standing in tadasana
Phase 6 - Neck Movement in tadasana (5 times each)
a. Moving head up and down
b. Moving head up and down with breathing
c. Moving head up and down with M-Kara chanting
Phase 7 - Ardha chakrasana (Half Wheel) to Padahastana (Hand to Foot Forward Bend)
Gradual movement from back to front, breath centered.
a. Bend backward and forward
b. Bend backward and forward with breathing
c. Bend backward and forward with M-Kara chanting
Phase 8 - Quick Relaxation technique (QRT)
Lie down in Savasana (Corpse Pose)
Breath is Life and breathing is the first thing and last thing we do in our lives. Breathing is the most important daily life function we perform that help regulates the heartbeat as well as a natural way to increase the energy level. Proper breathing is the essence of life as it helps not only to improve your energy but also mental clarity, emotional resilience and productivity.
Kapalabhati (Frontal Brain cleansing Exercise)
Kapalabhati consist of two words: Kapala refers to skull while Bhati means to shine. It’s a form of deep breathing that has innumerable soothing benefits for the body, mind and soul, such as:
- Helps to oxygenate the body while strengthening the muscles of the stomach and abdomen
- Rejuvenates tired cells, circulation, slows the ageing process, helps relax facial muscles and nerves, increase immunity power
- Relieve sinus problems and help clear respiratory blockages
- It increases the lungs capacity, thus useful for respiratory related problems, and help treating cold and cough
- Improves digestion, the function of kidneys and liver; cure constipation, acidity and intestinal problems
- Calm down the mind, treat stress and anxiety, cures insomnia and enhance memory
Acknowledgement to:
- CYT / ATTC Students of Union Yoga Ayurveda Singapore
- Swami Vivekananda Yoga Prakashana Trust, Bangalore
Yoga Ayurveda Therapy is Complementary Medicine and doesn't alternates any conventional treatment.
Yoga-Ayurveda Therapy needs physical assistance which may need physical touch. You can ask teacher or therapist not to give physical touch or assistance and based on whatever you choose, our teacher or therapist will follow the instructions. Any point you want to change the preference, then please inform teacher or therapist and management in writing. You will take responsibility of your decision and will not hold Union Yoga Ayurveda responsible for any kind of damage.
All kind of Yoga Ayurveda teaching and therapy can cause certain injuries and you are accepting those injuries. Signing up for the therapy or yoga courses means that you are aware of the probable injuries.
Union Yoga Ayurveda (Union Centre Pte Ltd) and its staff are not liable or responsible for any injuries caused during the session which are visible or not visible, physical or hormonal or mental. You as client take full responsibility of your own decision and will not claim any kind of compensation in terms of money or any resources for the damage caused because of due process.
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