- The Ayurvedic Foundations course introduces students to the basic concepts of Ayurveda, including its philosophical origins, the five elements, three governing energies and twenty qualities that comprise all living things. Naturopathy Foundations provides an introduction to the three qualities of Nature, consciousness and their role in the process of creation.
UAT 102— ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGYDosha Dhatu Mala Vigyan
Physiology extends the basic information provided by Foundations into the physiological structures of the body, revealing the five sub-energies of the three biological humours, seven physical structures and three waste processes. Physiology also provides an in-depth exploration of individual constitution and simple tools to accurately identify it in every person you meet.
UAT 103—PSYCHOLOGYManasa Shastra
Psychology builds even further on the two prior topics to provide insight into the illuminating principle of the physical world: The mind and the subtle body. Each of the mental qualities is explored in depth, along with the various states of mind, mental illusions or sheaths, energetic bodies, energy centers or Chakras and subtle energies. Psychology also provides practical tools to create psychological balance, strengthen the life force and begin to live more actively in the present moment.
UAT 104—NUTRITIONAhara Vigyan
Nutrition takes the information taught in the prior courses and begins the healing process with our food or nutrition. We are introduced to the unique concept of Agni, or the digestive fire, as well as the six tastes and their effect on the body. This class also provides students with the qualities, elements and energetic properties of over 150 fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, nuts, seeds, oils, animal products and sweeteners. Additionally, Nutrition discusses the importance of the five senses in the nutritional experience and describes over 35 well-loved Ayurvedic recipes with an interactive classroom cooking demonstration.
UAT 105—HERBOLOGYDravya Guna Rasa Shastra
Herbology extends Nutrition into the realm of therapeutic herbs. Comprehensive analysis of most modern and traditional herbs as well as the concepts of taste, potency, post-digestive effect, their qualities and effects on the body and how they can dramatically benefit your health.
UAT 106—YOGAYoga Vigyan
Yoga therapy describes several practices to bring the physical body into total alignment. Topics covered in-depth include postures to balance each body constitution, the science of breathing and mantra. The student will learn a comprehensive approach to the science of Yoga including its many branches and modalities.
UAT 107—BODYWORKPanchakarma
Bodywork goes beyond the discipline of Yoga to provide a host of healing therapies that nourish the body and nurture the mind and spirit. These practices include detoxification from oral route, nasal route, and anal route etc. Bodywork identifies the different energy points and channels of the body and how their stimulation leads to healing and a host of health benefits. This class also describes how to prepare several therapeutic oil and herbal decoctions using ingredients from your own home.
Ayurvedic oil applications: Poorvakarma (Traditional Ayurveda complementary Managements) Abhyanga, Siro dhara, Kaya seka, Pinda sweda etc with the specific technique to make the herbal oil act in the required way for therapeutic use.
There are many restrictions which caome under the topic of dietary indications. After or during the ayurveda complementary Management few things are asked to take and few dietary items are asked to be avoided. Avoiding things are easy by consuming the herbal supplements at right time and in correct dosage is very important. Even the dosage and form of diet is very important for the complementary Management. All these topics are covered in this heading.
UAT 111- Practical Assignment in School campus
Training under the supervision of the senior therapist of Ayurveda consultant to do herbal therapies.
UAT 112- Field Work Arogyadhama
Posting at Ayurveda health centre to assist panchakarma and other ayurveda therapies to treat the patient.