Union Yoga Ayurveda is an international school registered with Yoga Alliance USA, Yoga Australia, IAOTH, NAMA pace, Indian University, Swami Paramhansa Samsthana and many more International organisations.
In order to get the certification, we have clearly mentioned the rules and regulations in our website and course materials. Overall requirements for certifications and even including re-registration and penalties due to lapse of registration mentioned in the website / study material for certification can be sometimes related to Indian organisations, our education standards, and can be sometimes related to other international associations. Upon signing up for this certification course, our students must comply and fulfil all the rules and regulations mentioned in the website / study material, which is not limited to Yoga Alliance or Yoga Australia curriculum or IAYT or IAOTH. It is compulsory for students to complete and fulfill Union Yoga Ayurveda school’s curriculum to get their final certification.
For Courses
Before signing up for the course, please have a preview of course from our trainers and understand full schedule and syllabus and rules – regulation etc.
Website, brochure are information materials for public and if in case you have not read the same then school is not responsible for your ignorance and negligence.
Signing up the course form is a declaration that you have understood all criteria and you are aware of the all pros and cons of the course and with your full awareness, you are signing up for the course.
You will not be able to get any refund or transfer of fees at any point of time during the course.
For Field Training
All courses have some amount of field training.
Field work is not the responsibility of school. It’s not a liability on school in any ways.
Students are encouraged to propagate their knowledge in public and search for their own clients after passing the practical exam and can observe or assist some hours for experience in school, which may vary from 15hrs to 30hrs in school.
For number of clocking hours, please contact the class coordinator and refer to your education manual.
After assisting for 15-30hrs, students can request for provisional certificate and can find their methods to do field work.
Union is not obligated to give any kind of platform for field work or internship to students.
Union, by its means and by mutual understanding may allow students to clock field training in its premise but it should not be misunderstood that every student has to do free labour in school. It’s by mutual request and by availability of space for clocking hours.
The tuition fees and registration fees paid by student is for:
Theory classes, Practical classes / observation, Exam, study material and certification.
Any other services given by Union to student or to any clients or asked by student from Union, will be charged as per cost price mentioned in website.
For Yoga class / Therapy / Training
Yoga Ayurveda therapy is a complementary medicine and it should not be considered as our alternative medicine for conventional treatment.
All kind of Yoga Ayurveda teaching, training and therapy can cause certain injuries.
Signing up for the course / class / therapy means that you are aware of the probable injuries.
Union Yoga Ayurveda (Union Centre Pte Ltd) and it’s staff are not liable or responsible for any injuries caused during the session which are visible or not visible, physical or hormonal or mental.
You as client take full responsibility of your own decision and will not claim any kind of compensation in terms of money or any resources for the damage caused because of due process.
Please do consultation with our Ayurveda yoga doctor and understand pros & cons of therapy before starting any therapy or supplements.
Re-registration :
First registration if expires and student has not completed the formalities, then they need to re-register which may give extra time limit for short courses (3 months), basic course (6 months), long course (12 months).
If you (student) have not done your registration immediately and the registration lapses, then you need to pay penalty of $250 (one time valid for 1yr) + extra registration fees which is dependent on the respective course.
2nd year consecutive registration lapse will be Penalty of $250 + $250 + Registration fees.
If your registration (student) lapses for more than 2 year or student is failed 3 times then in that case, the student need to pay tuition fees + registration fees and has to attend all classes again from beginning.
Note: We discourage, Re-registration, fines and penalties. Hence these options should be seen as last option but not the option to delay the course.