We are pleased to provide the detailed rules and regulations for the ERYT-200 and ERYT-500 programs, including fees, required teaching hours, reimbursement policies, and workshop participation guidelines.
Who Should Attend
Max Duration : 1000hrs / 2000hrs
Course Fees : $1100+ $150 (registration) for 200 Hrs
Course Fees : $2000+ $300 (registration) for 500 Hrs
Registration Fee: $150
Training Fee: $1100
Total: $1250
Registration Fee: $300
Training Fee: $2000
Total: $2300
Certification for ERYT-200 & ERYT-500:
* Combined Registration Fee: $300
* Combined Training Fee: $2300
* Total: $2600
- Registration and training fee is not transferable and non refundable under any circumstances.
- No bargaining in the fees.
- Maximum duration 2 yrs for E-RYT200 and 4 yrs for E-RYT500
2. Minimum Teaching Requirements:
To qualify for certification, teaching must take place in a Yoga Studio or registered Yoga school or workshop done which should be related Yoga. The following are requirements:
* Minimum 200 hours teaching in a Union school or workshop to be done only in Union School.
* Minimum 2 years are needed to get Certified.
* Look for becoming a replacement teacher in absence of trainer
* Enhance your knowledge and teaching by attending workshops and training under master
* Total teaching hours required: 1000 hours
* This means remaining 800hrs can be clocked in Any Yoga schools or yoga studios by teaching or by attending Yoga Workshops.
Note: Attending PT as a student or Attending yoga classes as a student cannot be used for this certification.
* Minimum 500 hours teaching in a Union school or workshop to be done only in Union School.
* Minimum 4 years are needed to get Certified.
* Look for becoming a replacement teacher in absence of trainer
* Enhance your knowledge and teaching by attending workshops and training under master
* Total teaching hours required: 1000 + 1000 hours
* This means remaining 1500hrs can be clocked in Any Yoga schools or yoga studios by teaching or by attending Yoga Workshops.
Note: Attending PT as a student or Attending yoga classes as a student or Attending Zumba, Reiki, first aid or something no related to yoga, cannot be used for this certification.
3. Required Hours Clarification:
1) Union School workshop or Union School courses or by teaching as a trainer in Union School.
2) External Teaching or outside Union School training or teaching should only be
conducted in a Yoga Studio or Yoga school. Hours accumulated in a gym, First Aid, Reiki, or any complementary exercise or mindfulness activities will not be considered.
3) Students are required to obtain an official leter from the studio, school where they
are clocking hours as proof of teaching or training. This may be submited as a physical
certificate or by email.
4. Payment and Reimbursement Policy:
* A minimum of 200 hours must be clocked without any reimbursement.
* After 200 hours, if teaching in a Union school, the reimbursement will be $7 per hour, up to 1000 hours.
* After certification, salary will be provided as per the standard salary rules based on
* A minimum of 500 hours must be clocked without any reimbursement.
* After 500 hours, if teaching in a Union school, the reimbursement will be $7 per hour, up to 1000 + 1000 hours.
* After certification, salary will be provided as per the standard salary rules based on
5. Workshop and Retreat Discounts:
- ERYT students will receive an additional 5% discount on workshops and retreats, in addition to the standard student discount of 10%.
15 Feb 2025 3 Total possible discount for ERYT students: 15%. - Union Schools workshop and Union School retreats may be used clock teaching hours. For retreats, the maximum clocking allowed is 8 hours per day, excluding travel days.
For any further queries or clarification, please feel free to contact us. We appreciate
your dedication and commitment to the ERYT program and look forward to supporting your journey.
Important Note:
Union Yoga Ayurveda is an international school registered with Yoga Alliance USA, Yoga Australia, IAOTH, NAMA pace, Indian University, Swami Paramhansa Samsthana and many more International organisations.
In order to get the certification, we have clearly mentioned the rules and regulations in our website and course materials. Overall requirement mentioned in the website / study material for certification can be sometimes related to Indian organisations, our education standards, and can be sometimes related to other international associations. Upon signing up for this certification course, our students must comply and fulfil all the rules and regulations mentioned in the website / study material, which is not limited to Yoga Alliance or Yoga Australia curriculum or IAYT or IAOTH. It is compulsory for students to complete and fulfill Union Yoga Ayurveda school’s curriculum to get their final certification.
Instead of following the rules, sometimes some students start comparing us with other schools, or they may start comparing the rules with other yoga organisation. All these
comparison will not be entertained and we strictly advise them to follow the rules
mentioned in our website as long as they are our students or they are registered for any certification with us.
RYT 300 Yoga Teacher Training
300 Hours
300 Hours
Advance Teacher Training | |
Fees | $3700 + $300 (registration) |
Field Training | 200 Hrs |
Theory & Practical | Yes |
Exam | Yes (100 Hrs) |
Report & presentation | Yes |
Certificate | RYT 300 Certified Yoga Teacher Training |
Syllabus (Theory) YIN YOGA | |
Scriptural Definitions of Yoga * | |
Bhakti, Raja, Karma. Jnana yoga | |
Concept of Yoga ; Pancakosa, the basis for IAYT | |
What is Yin Yoga | |
The history of Yin Yoga | |
What is Yin tissues | |
Physiology of Yin Yoga | |
Energetic benefits | |
The mind and heart (?) | |
Meditation | |
Sports and Rehabiltation | |
Myofascial | |
Meridian lines | |
Syllabus (Practical) | |
2.2.4 Dog breathing | |
2.2.5 Rabbit breathing | |
LOOSEN YOURSELF (Sithilikarana) | |
3.2 Sthiti (initial) and Sithila (relaxation) postures * | |
3.3 Sithilikarana Vyayama (Loosening) * | |
3.3.1 Jogging * | |
3.3.2 Forward and Backward bending * | |
3.3.3 Side bending * | |
3.3.4 Twisting * | |
3.3.5 Pavanmuktasana Kriya * | |
4.1 Suryanamaskar * | |
Sitting postures | |
1 Anahatasana (Melting Heart) | |
2 Ankle stretch (See Saw) | |
3 Butterfly (Diamond) | |
4 Half butterfly | |
5 Camel | |
6 Cat pulling its tail | |
7 Caterpillar | |
8 Childs pose | |
9 Dragon plain | |
10 Dragon flying high | |
11 Dragon flying low | |
12 Twisted dragon | |
13 Winged dragon | |
14 Dragon split | |
15 Deer | |
16 Frog | |
17 Half frog | |
18 Saddle | |
19 Shoelace | |
20 Square | |
21 Squat | |
22 Straddle (dragonfly) | |
23 Swan | |
24 Sleeping Swan | |
25 Toe Squat | |
Prone postures | |
26 Sphinx | |
27 Seal | |
Supine postures | |
Bananasana | |
28 Fish | |
29 Happy baby | |
30 Reclining twist | |
31 Folded pose | |
32 Snail | |
Standing Postures | |
33 Dangling | |
Open Shoulder postures | |
34 Reverse arm | |
35 Cow face arms | |
36 Eagle arms | |
37 Reverse namskar arms (behind back) | |
38 Tied the knot | |
On the wall postures | |
39 Legs up the wall | |
40 straddle on the wall | |
41 shoelace / square on the wall | |
42 butterfly on the wall | |
Yin Yoga for Hand Injury (wrist, golfer’s elbow, tennis elbow) | |
Yin Yoga for Leg Injury (hamstring, knee) | |
Yin Yoga for Neck (whiplash) | |
Yin Yoga for Hips (Sciatica) | |
4.3.27 Deep relaxation technique (DRT) * |
Unit:1 | Introduction |
1 | The History of Ashtanga and Hatha yoga |
2 | Cycle of Hatha yoga |
3 | Hatha Yoga Pradipika and its Components |
4 | Asanas of Hatha Yoga Pradeepika |
5 | Shat (6) Karma (Cleansing Techniques) |
6 | 8 Pranayama (Astha Kumbhaka) |
7 | 10 Mudras and Bandhas |
8 | Chantings & Mantras |
9 | Teaching Guidelines |
10 | Elements of Ashtanga Yoga |
11 | Sun Salutation:: The dawning of a ritual |
12 | Suryanamaskar (Hatha Yoga) |
13 | Suryanamaskar-A (Ashtanga) |
14 | Suryanamaskar-B (Ashtanga) |
Standing Balancing Asanas | |
1 | Eagle Pose. Garudasana. |
2 | Extended Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose. Utthita Hasta Padangustasana. |
3 | Half Moon Pose Ardha Chandrasana. |
4 | Revolve Half Moon Pose. parivritta Ardha Chandrasana. |
5 | Handstand. Adho Mukha Vrksasan |
6 | Side Plank Pose. Vasisthasana |
7 | Lord of the Dance Pose. Natarajasana. |
8 | Side-Reclining Leg Lift. Anantasana. |
9 | Warrior Pose Virabhadrasana 1 2 3 |
10 | Triangle Pose Trikonasana |
11 | Side Angle Pose Parsvokonasana |
12 | Savarga dvidasana (bird of paradise pose) |
13 | Urdhva prasarit ek padasana (standing split pose) |
Arm Balancing Pose | |
1 | Lotus in Crane pose Padma Bakasana |
2 | Lotus in Peacock pose Padma Mayurasana |
3 | Shoulder Pressure Pose Bhujapidasana |
4 | Rooster Pose Kukkutasana |
5 | Extended side plank (Vasistasana |
6 | Tola asana (scale pose) |
7 | Parsva bakasanna (side crow pose) |
8 | Ekpad galavasana (flying pigeon pose) |
9 | Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Hand stand) |
10 | Pincha mayurasana (feathered peacock pose) |
11 | Danda Ganda bherundasana (pose of Ganda) |
12 | Purvauttan asana (upward plank pose ) |
13 | Utthita padamasana (lifting lotus ) |
14 | Astavakrasana (Eight Angle pose ) |
Seated and Forward Bend Pose | |
1 | Upavistha konasana Seated Angle pose |
2 | Supta konasana Reclined Angle pose |
3 | Pachimottanasana Seated forward Bending pose |
4 | Marichyasana A B C D Sage Pose |
5 | Janu sirsasana Head to Knee Pose |
6 | Garbhapindasana–womb embryo poses |
7 | Ubhayapadangushtasana both big toe posture |
8 | Urdhvamukha Paschimottanasana Upward facing west intense stretch pose |
Back Bending and Finishing Asanas | |
1 | Ustsrasana-(camel pose ) |
2 | Dvi pada Viparit (Dandasana-upward facing two foot staff pose) |
3 | Matsyasana- (Fish Pose) |
4 | Purna Bhujangasana- (Full cobra pose) |
5 | Setubandhasana-(bridge Pose) |
6 | Advance Setubandhasana-(bridge Pose II) |
7 | Kapotasana-(Pigeon pose) |
8 | Pada angusta dhanurasana –(full bow pose) |
9 | Anjaneyasana- (low lunge) |
10 | Ekpad rajkapotasana-I (one leg king pigeon pose-I) |
11 | Urdhva Dhanurasana (upward bow Pose) |
12 | Purnasalabhasana (full locust Pose) |
13 | Mandukyasana/bhekasana (frog pose) |
14 | Sputa vajasanasa-(recline thunder bolt pose) |
15 | Chamatkar asana (wild thing pose) |
1 | Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Hand stand) |
2 | Pincha mayurasana (feathered peacock pose) |
3 | Danda Ganda bherundasana (pose of Ganda) |
4 | Salamb sarvangasana (supported shoulder stand) |
5 | Salamba sirsasana (supported Head stand) |
6 | Salamba Padma sirsasana (supported lotus Head stand) |
Unit 2 | Pranayama, Bandhas & Mudras |
1 | Pranayama Techniques of Pranayama |
1) | Suryabhedan (Right Nostril to Left Nostril) |
2) | Chandabhedan (Left Nostril to Right Nostril) |
3) | Ujjayi Pranayama ( Victorious Breath ) |
4) | Bhastrika (Bellows Breath) |
5) | Murcha Pranayama |
6) | Plavini Pranayama |
2 | Bandhas & Kriya |
1) | Moola Bandha (Root Lock) |
2) | Uddiyana Bandha (Abdominal Lock) |
3) | Jalandhara Bandha (Throat Lock) |
4) | Nauli (Navel Lock) |
3 | Mudras |
Various types of Mudras | |
1) | Jnana Mudra (psychic gesture of knowledge) |
2) | Prana Mudra (Shanti or Peace Mudra) |
3) | Shambavi Mudra (Eyebrow Center Gazing) |
4) | Shanmukhi Mudra (Closing the Seven Gates) |
5) | Kaki Mudra (The Crow’s Beak) |
6) | Maha Mudra (Great Gesture) |
7) | Maha Vedha Mudra (Great Gesture with Lock) |
8) | Viparitakarni Mudra (Opposite Force Gasture) |
4 | The Chakras |
5 | The Concept of Panchakosha and Positive Health |
Unit:3 | Basic Anatomy |
1) | The Digestive System |
2) | The Skeletal System |
3) | The Muscular System |
Unit:4 | Philosophy |
1) | The six systems of Vedic philosophy |
2) | The Eight Limbs of Patanjala Yoga |
Course Schedule
Course Schedule
Courses and Classes Start From Morning 10:00am to Night 10:00pm.
We Run Three Batches –
- Weekdays Day Time – After 10:00am and Before 4:00pm.
- Evening Time – After 7.30pm till 10:00pm
- Weekends – After 10:00am and Before 4:00pm
We Run Three Batches –
WEEKDAYS (Mon, Tues, Wed 9am to 12 noon) Batch – Jan- 7th, Feb-4th, Mar-4th, April-8th, May-6th, June-3rd, July- 8th, Aug-5th, Sept-9th, Oct-7th, Nov-4th, Dec-9th
WEEK EVENING (Mon, Tues, Wed 7.30pm to 10pm) Batch – Jan-7th, Feb-4th, Mar-4th, April-8th, May-6th, June-3rd, July-8th, Aug-5th, Sept-9th, Oct-7th, Nov-4th, Dec-9th
WEEKENDS (Sat, Sun 11am to 4pm) Batch – Jan-12th, Feb-9th, Mar-9th, April-13th, May-11th, June-8th, July-13th, Aug- 10th, Sept-7th, Oct-12th, Nov-9th, Dec-14th
For Specific Time Schedule of Each Course and Batches, Please Email To
- OR SMS/WHATSAPP/CALL: (+65) 8321 6170 / 8133 7608
Course Principal & Director
Bachelor in Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery (BAMS)
Doctor of Medicine (MD)-Yoga & Rehabilitation
Aroma Therapist
Certificate in Ayurveda Principles (CAP)
Senior Yoga Therapist
Diploma in Yoga Therapy (DYT)
Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy Teacher / Therapist and Trainer
RYT 500, E-RYT200, Senior Yoga Teacher and Trainer
Bachelor in Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery (BAMS)
Yoga Instructor Course (YIC)
Senior Yoga teacher 200hrs
and Ayurveda principle educator
Master in Science of Yoga,
Registered Yoga Teacher
Ayurveda Foundation Teacher / Therapist and Trainer
Yoga Trainer and Teacher
Master in Science of Yoga,
Registered Yoga Teacher
Yoga Teacher & Trainer
Senior Yoga Teacher, Trainer and Therapist
Senior Yoga teacher, Trainer and Therapist
Pay Online
Type of Account- Current Account.
Account number- 641873716001.
Bank name- Overseas Chinese banking corporation (OCBC)
Branch code- 641
Bank code- 7339
Swift code- OCBCSGSG
PayNow ID- Union Centre 201220843G

Cheques in the name of UNION CENTRE PTE LTD, payable at Singapore.
Type of Account- Current Account.
Account number- 1989003670.
Bank name- Development Bank of Singapore (DBS)
Branch code- 198
Bank code- 7171
Swift code- DBSSSGSG
PayNow ID- Union Wellness 201426655W001

Cheques in the name of UNION WELLNESS PTE LTD, payable at Singapore.
After finishing the course and passing the final test with a score of 80% or above, you will be sent your official 200-hour yoga instructor training Certification. After you finish the course, send us an email at and we’ll determine whether or not you’ve met the requirements for a certificate based on your performance in the lessons, tests, and final project.
Yes! If you have previously taken a Chinese yoga teacher training course, this would be an excellent supplement, or a refreshing review if your training was some time ago. You’ll be given access to more resources for your yoga education, such as books, articles, and videos.
A permanent membership is available, how does it sound? After registering, you may access this 200-hour yoga instructor training forever from any computer, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android, or other device.
Absolutely! This Yin yoga teacher training course is designed for complete beginners who want to learn the fundamentals of yoga. If you want to improve your skills and knowledge, but can’t afford to take a weekend programme, here is your chance to get a complete education for a fraction of the cost.
After completing the required Yin yoga teacher training and receiving your certificate, you will be qualified to teach yoga. Since we are unable to speak to the employment standards of every business, we advise you to research the specific needs of the organisation you want to work for before applying for yoga teacher positions. Many of our graduates are now working as instructors in a variety of settings, including corporations, schools, fitness facilities, gyms, studios, community centres, churches, colleges, hospitals, and private practise.
After finishing the course and passing the final test with a score of 80% or above, you will be sent your official 200-hour yoga instructor training Certification. After you finish the course, send us an email at and we’ll determine whether or not you’ve met the requirements for a certificate based on your performance in the lessons, tests, and final project.
Yes! If you have previously taken a Chinese yoga teacher training course, this would be an excellent supplement, or a refreshing review if your training was some time ago. You’ll be given access to more resources for your yoga education, such as books, articles, and videos.
A permanent membership is available, how does it sound? After registering, you may access this 200-hour yoga instructor training forever from any computer, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android, or other device.
Absolutely! This Yin yoga teacher training course is designed for complete beginners who want to learn the fundamentals of yoga. If you want to improve your skills and knowledge, but can’t afford to take a weekend programme, here is your chance to get a complete education for a fraction of the cost.
After completing the required Yin yoga teacher training and receiving your certificate, you will be qualified to teach yoga. Since we are unable to speak to the employment standards of every business, we advise you to research the specific needs of the organisation you want to work for before applying for yoga teacher positions. Many of our graduates are now working as instructors in a variety of settings, including corporations, schools, fitness facilities, gyms, studios, community centres, churches, colleges, hospitals, and private practise.
Fixed a Date for Exam Details
- Plan for completion of course and exam well in advance. Absence in classes or missing the lessons is solely the responsibility of student.
- Booking exam date needs 30 days in advance.
- If 30 days of booking the exam exceeds the max time limit of course, then school is not responsible. Student have to plan their course keeping last 30 days of exam in advance.
- One time fixing a date of exam is FREE because it’s been added in registeration fees paid during starting of course.
- Any change in date after first fixing of date will add extra cost of $125 each for theory and $125 for Practical.
- Death of near and dear ones, Medical emergency with proof, Natural calamity are exceptions.
- Recording and Submission of Video
For students safety, the video has to be recorded on a device brought by student and she/he has to upload the link on Google drive and have to share to Unionyogaayurveda@gmail.com and mysilentyogi@gmail.com within 5 working days.
- Additionally, the student has to submit a copy of video by using flash drive to exam centre under supervision of internal examiner within 5 working days.
- Late submission will be considered as exam cancelled and later have to start the process from first step of booking the exam.
- 50% of marks from Internal examiner.
- 50% of marks from external examiner.
- Both are added to make final marks. In short, average of internal and external examination is final marks or final grade.
- Evaluation is done based on your clear instructions, corrections, questions and answers, usage of sanskrit terms and correct english names with indication, contraindications with subtle points mentioned in Yellow practical book.
- The expectation of knowledge while evaluation from Internal and external examiner may vary because of which there can be difference in marks and final grades also dependent on average of marks given by internal and external examiners.
- Students who are unsatisfied by lower grades can ask for recounting and re-evaluation by another examiner by giving official request and payment of fees:~Re-evaluation $125 for theory and $125 for Practical.~Re-Counting $75 for theory and $75 for Practical.
- Recounting or Re-evaluation and payment of fees doesn’t means the grades will go higher. It’s a evaluation or counting done by another examiner which may result to increase or decrease or no change in grades. This requires max extra 30 days from the date of application of re-evaluation or recounting.