Certificate In Ayurveda Principles (CAP)

Original price was: $500.00.Current price is: $410.00.

  • Fees :Registration Fees $60 + Tuition Fees $350
  • Eligibility :Everyone who wants to learn Ayurveda is eligible.
  • Summary of Course : Allows the students to have basic information about ayurveda and Body type diagnosis.
  • Duration (In hours) :10 hr


Ayurveda Principle is necessary to get diagnosed for the body type. Each and every individual is different. This difference can be easily known by reading the body type in ayurveda. This assessment is called as PRAKRUTI.

Ayurveda believes that each housewife in a family should know the body type of the individuals in the family, which can finally help her to feed th individuals with the best for their body, mind and soul. The objective of this course is to let the normal know the aryurvedic principles of body type (Prakruti) along with the dietary supplements which can be suitable and will be useful to maintain their normal health.
