Watch That Butterfly On Your Neck
The thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped gland situated in the neck region. It helps the body to maintain normal temperature and is essential for the normal metabolic functioning of every cell in your body. The thyroid gland secretes a hormone called thyroxine which is also known as T4. It is called as T4 because the hormone contains 4 iodine atoms. When a single atom of iodine is removed, T4 gets converted into T3. The amount of thyroxine produced in your body is controlled by another hormone called thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) made in the pituitary gland situated at the base of the brain. If the thyroid gland is over productive a condition called hyperthyroidism sets in. Hyperthyroidism happens due to an excess amount of free thyroid hormone. Some symptoms seen in a patient with hyperthyroidism include heat intolerance, nervousness, increased irritability, increased heart rate, palpitations, tremors, weight loss with the same or increased food intake, and increased frequency of defecation. Women may have a decreased frequency of menses. In hyperthyroidism, the laboratory investigation shows a low TSH and a high T3 along with an increase in the total and free T4 levels. In hypothyroidism the symptoms seen are reversed. The patient often suffers severe fatigue, depression, loss of memory, mental confusion and sometimes even symptoms of mild psychosis. The heart rate slows down, the skin becomes dry and the patient often complains of feeling very cold. The serum cholesterol levels may be raised and there may be severe anaemia. On laboratory investigation, the T4 and free T4 levels are found to be low while the TSH is always high and T3 may be within the normal range.Is this related to stress?
Commonest cause of Hypo or Hyper functioning of thyroid auto immunity although in some hilly endemic areas (far way from sea) it could be due to iodine deficiency. Auto immunity is due to wrong perception of the hyper reactive immune system which sets off a special squad of fighters (antibodies) to destroy the thyroid cells. It is known that long standing suppressed chronic frustrations or anxiety or worry can disturb the immune system and cause autoimmunity.What Yoga practices are recommended?

Yoga Ayurveda Therapy is Complementary Medicine and doesn't alternates any conventional treatment.
Yoga-Ayurveda Therapy needs physical assistance which may need physical touch. You can ask teacher or therapist not to give physical touch or assistance and based on whatever you choose, our teacher or therapist will follow the instructions. Any point you want to change the preference, then please inform teacher or therapist and management in writing. You will take responsibility of your decision and will not hold Union Yoga Ayurveda responsible for any kind of damage.
All kind of Yoga Ayurveda teaching and therapy can cause certain injuries and you are accepting those injuries. Signing up for the therapy or yoga courses means that you are aware of the probable injuries.
Union Yoga Ayurveda (Union Centre Pte Ltd) and its staff are not liable or responsible for any injuries caused during the session which are visible or not visible, physical or hormonal or mental. You as client take full responsibility of your own decision and will not claim any kind of compensation in terms of money or any resources for the damage caused because of due process.
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