Yin Yoga Teacher Training Course Rules & Regulations


1.1. Students should finish the course within 12 months.
1.2. The course will have 4 modules that will be conducted at least once a year.
1.3. Students who already have an existing Yoga teacher certification (YIC student) is only required to complete 2 out of the 4 modules to obtain the Yin Yoga Teacher Certificate.
1.4. Students who do not have any existing Yoga teacher certification (non-YIC student) is required to complete all 4 modules to obtain the Yin Yoga Teacher Certificate.


2.1. Theory class will be held on weekday and weekend.


3.1. YIC student is required to complete 20 hours of field training.
3.2. Non-YIC student is required to complete 80 hours of field training.
3.3. Feedback forms is to be obtained from clients.


4.1. Exam to be completed within 12 months.
4.2. Exam date booking two weeks in advance.
4.3. Practical exam duration will be 20 – 30 minutes.
4.4. Exam will be conducted in Union by Dr Satyam or respective teachers, recorded with video camera. You are required to send the soft copy of your answer sheet and practical exam to Unionyogaayurveda@gmail.co, mysilentyogi@gmail.com and to your concerned examiner by asking for their respective email address.
4.5. Format of practical exam:
4.5.1. Demonstrate (20 marks)
4.5.2. Teach/instruct with corrections/ adjustments of 3-4 asanas (20 marks)
4.5.3. Questions and Answers (10 marks)
4.6. The video will be sent to India school for grading, results will be given together with your field training report, certification.


5.1 Exam to be completed within 12 months.
5.2 Exam date booking 1 month in advance.
5.3 Exam duration is 3 hours.
5.4 It contains 4 parts:
Part I Choice of 2 out of 4 essay questions. Each 5 marks.
Part II Choice of 7 out of 8 essay questions. Each 3 marks.
Part III True or False, 9 questions. Each 1 mark
Part IV Match or Fill in the blanks, 5 questions. Each 2 marks.
5.5 Exam results will be given one month after taken it (except public holiday).


6.1. Field training report should finish within 12 months.
6.2. Guided by Dr Satyam and respective Yin Yoga teachers.
6.3. Cover page, certificate, declaration, acknowledgement, content page
6.4. Font : Times new Roman
6.5. Spacing 1.5
6.6. Centrally aligned
6.7. Numbering of chapter should be Chapter 1, Chapter 2
6.8. Following the chapter, the sub heading should be-
6.8.1. 1.1
6.8.2. 1.1.1
6.8.3. etc
6.9. Pictures, feedback forms, field training forms should be in appendix
6.10. One hard copy and one soft copy of field training report in binder form and CD/flash drive should be submitted. (CD/Flash drive will not return).
6.11. Certification will take at least 30 days minimum to get it to you.


7.1. Topic should be different from others.
7.2. Content of presentation may be extracted from field training report.
7.3. Necessary to include teaching experiences – positive and negative experiences/ feedback, lessons learnt, improvements in teaching.
7.4. Duration of presentation 10-20 min only.
7.5. Soft copy of presentation document saved together with field training report in CD/ flash drive. No hard copy print is needed here.
7.6. Soft copy of video recording of student’s presentation will be given to student and copied into CD/ flash drive for submission.


8.1. Why choose yoga
8.2. Why/ how did you approach Union Yoga Ayurveda Singapore
8.3. Experience at union with teachers and course mates
8.4. Experience with client of yoga during teaching
8.5. Message to teachers, friends, anyone
8.6. Pictures
8.7. Saying thanks
