Yoga Therapist Training Advance Rules & Regulations


1.1. Students should finish the entire course within 12 months.
1.2. Theory and practical exam should be completed within 6 months.
1.3. Practical hours should be clocked within 6 months or earlier.
1.4. Field reports and final presentation must be completed within 6 months from date of exam.


2.1. Theory class will be held on weekday or/and weekend.
2.2. Each topic will be covered once in every two month. It is student’s responsibility to finish all topics within 6 months.
2.3. Topic checklist
2.3.1. Scriptural Definitions of Yoga
2.3.2. Yoga and its origin
2.3.3. Bhakti yoga
2.3.4. Raja yoga
2.3.5. Karma yoga
2.3.6. Jnana Yoga
2.3.7. Concept of body, health and disease
2.3.8. Concept of Yoga; Pancakosa, the basis for IAYT
2.3.9. Anatomy and Physiology
2.3.10. Blood
2.3.11. Excretory System
2.3.12. Asthma
2.3.13. Respiratory System
2.3.14. Cardiovascular System
2.3.15. HTN
2.3.16. Anxiety ready
2.3.17. Nervous System
2.3.18. Arthritis
2.3.19. Musculo-skeletal system
2.3.20. A & P of Joints
2.3.21. Backpain
2.3.22. Diabetes Mellitus
2.3.23. Endocrine System
2.3.24. Digestive System
2.3.25. GID
2.3.26. Reproductive System
2.3.27. Cancer
2.3.28. Metabolism-physiology
2.3.29. MSRT
2.3.30. PET
2.3.31. Cyclic Meditation
2.3.32. OM Meditation
2.3.33. Trataka


3.1. Certificate in Yoga Therapy Wellness 250 (YTT-A250)
3.1.1. Each student is required to complete 125 hours of field training.
3.1.2. Each student need to record 4 therapy cases/ patients.

3.2. Case management:
3.2.1. Complete case:- To be considered a complete case, the student is to follow at least 10 complementary Managements for a patient.
3.2.2. Broken cases:-Three different patients with complementary Managements totaling to at least 10 complementary Managements can be considered as one complete case.
3.2.3. A maximum of 25 complementary Managements can be clocked for each patient.
3.2.4. No two therapists should be doing the same patient case reporting for same period of time. Eg, can clock the hours, but not to be considered as case.
3.3. Clocking of hours:
3.3.1. Maximum of 3 hours for kriya/virechana therapy.
3.3.2. Maximum of 2 hours for other therapies (PPS, liver, sinus, face etc)
3.3.3. Maximum clockable hours for each patient is 5 hours per day (2 hours of therapy and 3 hours for Kriya therapy).
3.4. Recording of complementary Management day and time cannot overlap between patients.
3.5. One case study per month is to be submitted to Dr Satyam.
3.6. It is student’s responsibility to ask and discuss with Dr. Satyam, if you don’t have enough patients for case study report writing.


4.1. To provide a conducive environment for healing to our patients, all observers are to maintain silence during the therapy session. Take notes silently while observing therapy. Questions are to be noted down and clarified outside complementary Management time.
4.2. It is the student’s responsibility to check the calendar and seek the therapist in charge permission to observe.
4.3. Photo taking and audio recording is not allowed, except when granted permission from the patient and therapist.
4.4. Students are requested to be mindful and respect the patient’s and therapist’s privacy.
permission from the patient and therapist.
4.4. Students are requested to be mindful and respect the patient’s and therapist’s privacy.


5.1. Exam to be completed within 6 months.
5.2. Exam date booking 1 month in advance.
5.3. Exam duration is 3 hours.
5.4. Exam format is as below:
5.4.1. Essay questions. 3 questions, 10 marks each.
5.4.2. Short essay questions. 10 questions, 5 marks each.
5.4.3. True or false. 10 questions, 1 mark each.
5.4.4. Match or fill in the blanks. 5 questions, 2 marks each.
5.5. You are required to send a soft copy of your answer sheet and practical exam to, and to your concerned examiner by asking for their respective email address.
5.6. Exam results will be given one month after taken it (except public holiday).


6.1. Any failure in either theory or practical exam requires re-application for exam in which a processing fee of $350 is required.
6.2. In case of failure, India school will inform Union and we will let the student know ASAP.
6.3. Once made known to students, if student wishes to redo the exam, they have to make known of their intention to Union within 2 weeks. This decision will be considered official when they complete the registration form again and fees payment.
6.4. Failure of re-application will be considered as the student is not interested for re-exam and no action will be taken from our end.


7.1. It is student’s responsibility to plan your time to finish it.
7.2. Field training report should need to finish within 6 months.
7.3. Each student need to write 4 cases.
7.4. Guided by Dr Satyam
7.5. Coverpage, certificate, declaration, acknowledgement, content page
7.5.1. Font : Times new Roman
7.5.2. Spacing 1.5
7.5.3. Centrally aligned
7.5.4. Numbering of chapter should be Chapter 1, Chapter 2
7.5.5. Following the chapter, the sub heading should be-
1.1.1. etc
7.6. Pictures and field training form should be in appendix
7.7. Each case report should have 1 therapy and 1 yogasana photo
7.8. One hard copy and one soft copy of field training report in binder form and CD/flash drive should be submitted. (CD/Flash drive will not return).
7.9. Certification will take at least 30 days minimum to get it to you.


8.1. Once you have finished your theory exam, you can book for the practical exam. Please take note one week in advance (except public holiday).
8.2. Practical exam duration will be 30minutes.
8.3. Under instant video camera.
8.4. Content of the practical exam;
8.4.1. Examiner will list out symptoms, then you need to tell what kind of Issuesthe patient has and supporting for your answer, what kind of therapy you are going to do (identify Diagnosis, principle of complementary Management, yoga therapy)
8.4.2. Examiner will ask questions, such as the steps of your therapy, demonstration of the steps, perform the therapy
8.4.3. You will bring your “patient” for your exam
8.4.4. Question and answer, such as: what causes asthma, what are the symptoms of asthma patients has, etc.
8.5. You are required to send a soft copy of your answer sheet and practical exam to , and to your concerned examiner by asking for their respective email address.
8.6. The video will be sent to India, results will be given together with your field training report, certification.

10. Presentation

9.1. Presentation to be prepared as Powerpoint file.
9.2. Content of presentation may be extracted from case report.
9.2.1. Choose 2 case studies for presentation
9.3. Duration of presentation approximately 30min.
9.4. Soft copy of presentation saved together with field training report in CD/ flash drive. No hard copy print is needed here.
