Yoga Therapy Foundation Course(30HRS) Rules & Regulations


1.1. Students should complete the course (inclusive of field work hours) within 3 months
1.2. Practical and theory exam should be completed within 3 months
1.3. Once exam has passed, students can start to prepare their field reports and, presentation. The school is happy and welcome to help students complete the course faster.
1.4. Practical hours should be clocked within 3 months or on before.
1.5. Field reports and final presentation must be completed within 6 months.


2.1 Theory classes will be held as per the schedules time.
2.2 Each topic will be taught at least once, students are free to come and attend additional lectures for revision. It is student’s responsibility to finish all topics within 6 months or earlier.
2.3 Topic checklist: –

2.3.1 Concept of body, health & disease
2.3.2 Concept of yoga & panchakosha
2.3.3 Yoga for Asthma
2.3.4 Yoga for Hypertension & Coronary Artery Disease
2.3.5 Yoga for Arthritis
2.3.6 Yoga for Back Pain
2.3.7 Yoga for Digestive Issuess
2.3.8 Cyclic Meditation


3.1 Practical classes will be held after every theory class


4.1. Exam to be completed within 3 months.
4.2. Exam date booking 1 month in advance.
4.3. Practical exam duration will be 20 – 30 minutes.
4.4. Exam will be conducted in Union by Dr Satyam or respective teachers, recorded with video camera. You are required to send the soft copy of your answer sheet and practical exam to, and to your concerned examiner by asking for their respective email address.
4.5. Format of practical exam:
4.5.1. Demonstrate (15 marks)
4.5.2. Teach/instruct with corrections/ adjustments of 3-4 Asanas (15 marks)
4.5.3. Questions and Answers (20 marks)
4.6. You are required to send a soft copy of your answer sheet and practical exam to , and to your concerned examiner by asking for their respective email address.
4.7. The video will be sent to India school for grading, results will be given together with your field training report, certification.


5.1 Exam to be completed within 3 months from start date of the course.
5.2 Exam date booking 1 month in advance.
5.3 Exam duration is 3 hours.
5.4 It contains four parts:
Part I Choice of 2 out of 4 essay questions. Each 5 marks.
Part II Choice of 7 out of 8 essay questions. Each 3 marks.
Part III True or False, 9 questions. Each 1 mark
Part IV Match or Fill in the blanks, 5 questions. Each 2 marks.
5.5 Exam results will be given one month after taken it (except public holiday).


6.1 Any failure in either theory or practical exam requires re-application for exam in which a processing fee of $150 is required.
6.2 In case of failure, India school will inform Union and we will let the student know ASAP.
6.3 Once made known to students, if student wishes to redo the exam, they have to make known of their intention to Union within 2 weeks. This decision will be considered official when they complete the registration form again and fees payment.
6.4 Any exam taken after 6 months from the date of course registration (unless special approval is given by Dr Satyam and school) will require a re-application fees of $150.
6.5 Failure of re-application will be considered as the student is not interested for
re-exam and no action will be taken from our end.


7.1. Each student need to finish field trainings as follows:
7.2. 6 hours of field work; Observation of 3 patient therapies
7.3. Student to record class conducted in respective Field training sheet provided.
7.4. Guidelines for clocking of hours:
7.4.1. Maximum number of clock able hours per yoga therapy is 2 hrs.
7.4.2. Maximum number of clock able hours per kriya session is 3 hrs.
7.5. The hours shall not overlap. (eg. doing kriyas yet teach a class; clocking kriyas for 2 different people at the same time.)


8.1. Guidelines of report-
8.2. 8.1.1 Guided by Dr Satyam & supporting teacher name.
8.3. Topics should be based on case study
8.3.1. Cover page, certificate, declaration, acknowledgement, content page has to be added (templates provided).
8.3.2. Font- Times new Roman
8.3.3. Spacing 1.5
8.3.4. Centrally aligned
8.3.5. Numbering of chapter should be Chapter 1, Chapter 2
8.3.6. Following the chapter the sub heading should be-
1.1.1 etc
8.4. Pictures and Field training and client feedback forms should be in appendix.
8.5. One hard copy and one soft copy of field training report in binder form and CD/ flash drive should be submitted.
8.6. Certification will take at least 30 days minimum to reach Union and students
